Jan 25
Soft oilpastels on white A3, framed on black passe partout
Dec 24
Painting for the European School in Copenhagen.
Acrylics on canvas mounted on acoustic panels.
610 x 290 cm.
Children are like flowers. They all bloom at different times and in different ways.
Marylin Appelbaum.
The painting with the title Children are Like Flowers is based on more than 300 drawings and paintings of flowers created by students from Primary, Lower and Upper Secondary at the school. I have converted these beautiful drawings into a field of flowers. The painting is based on the students' drawings.
Why? Because the students has expressed a great desire for colours and organic forms in the school environment - and what is more organic and colourful than flowers?
Flowers are beautiful, colourful and they look different. Just like children. The idea is that the flowers reflects the students. The flower drawings are a kind of self-portraits that thus represent both individuality and diversity among the students. The flowers stand together, because we stand together!
The painting was revealed in December, when we had had a visitor from the UN, she was absolutely blown away with the painting, but better yet, the students absolutely lost their MINDS! Students were jumping and had proper jaw-drops of amazement!
With the words of the project manager Chloé Robertson: ”The painting completely lifts the canteen, in both jazz and vibrance, scale and thought. I am really proud to have been any part of this glorious whole school project”.
About me
I am a visual artist and art teacher with more than 20 years of experience with my own professional artistic practice dealing with everything from decorating playgrounds to global installation projects.
In my company Coluart (a contraction of the words Colour-Culture-Art),
I specialize in wall art, portraits, relational art experiences, workshops and teaching.
25 years ago I educated myself at various art schools in Denmark and in Florence/Italy and have since become a candidate in Art History and Cross-Cultural Studies from the University in Copenhagen. This has led to a lectureship in visual arts, design and architecture. Over the past almost 10 years, I have taught these subjects at various gymnasiums in Denmark and since 2020 at the European School in Copenhagen, where I teach the subject Art at A-level.
I practice and teach with passion. Equality, empathy and dialogue are highly valued in my practice, both as an artist and a teacher.
I have had collaborations with gymnasiums, schools, cultural centers, municipalities, kindergartens, universities, film agencies, galleries and museums. My customer and collaboration circle thus includes clients from both the public and the private sectors to anarchists in between.
This website reflects some of the most important projects I have been involved with over the last 25 years.
Rasmus Lind Greiner
Copenhagen 2025
Wall art
What my wall paintings have in common is that I have made them for a specific place, which is why in one way or another I always relate to the surroundings and the context the paintings are part of. This can be the history of the place, the vision with the place, the users or the architectural space or the architectural space in itself. Always with passion!
If you are interested in my wall art:
It is possible to apply for (partial) support for mural art through the municipalities, who are often open for dialogue. The municipalities' criteria for support have a lot to do with whether the project is locally rooted. This can be expressed through the choice of motif and citizen involvement in different ways. We have the best chance of obtaining support if we apply together. There are also opportunities to apply for sponsorships in the local area.
Companies have the option of immediately writing off up to DKK 32,000 per work: "Buying a company, e.g. a painting for DKK 100,000 by an artist, the company can write off 25 per cent annually. of the value, just as if it were any other means of operation.” Read more here: untitled (kum.dk).
Wall art is important because it's not just about painting, it's a cultural fix and it pushes the feeling of belonging for residents, just as it can have a preventive effect towards vandalism. Wall art can make a difference!
I can deal with all aspects of the entrepreneurship.
Feel free to contact me if you are interested in a dialogue about my wall art.
Portrait art
I draw and paint portraits for myself and on commission. Each work is an exploration in it's own right. The portrait shouldn't just resemblance the subject in physical likeness. I always seek to explore the personality behind the subject!
Contact me, if you are interested in hearing more about options and prices. Thank you!
I paint continuously and I have done so since I was a child. Painting and drawing is an integral part of my life. I am both interested in figuration and abstraction. Most of my studio paintings arise from a more or less figurative idea and usually end up in the figurative-abstract. I alternate a conceptual approach with spontaneity characterized by mood swings and body energy within the framework I set for myself.
When I am faced with a blank canvas, I often get ideas about politics, war and peace, personalities and personal stories, loss, grief, pain, joy, play, sex and love. I often end up speculating about the relational.
The colors and shapes show the way...
Contact me if you are interested in hearing about paintings I have for sale.
I have processed a large number of workshops for children, young people and adults in many different contexts. My workshops often take place at a specific location where an event is taking place and I get hired to focus on a specific agenda through art and decoration, but I have also facilitated other kinds of pop-up workshops aimed more at creating relationships or with the more clear outcome of decorating a room, a wall or the like.
Common to all my workshops is that I work inclusively with a focus on the relational interaction that occurs in co-creative processes. This should free the proces and lead to something relevant.
I wish I had more time for these kinds of projects..
I am a qualified Upper Secondary lecturer with "pædagogikum" in visual arts, design and architecture.
I teach at the European School in Copenhagen in the subject Art, which is equivalent to Billedkunst in the Danish gymnasium. Here, students can choose Art at A level, which means that the students complete a basic three-year art education with me. The teaching alternates between theory and practice, with the main emphasis on practical work within the most important visual and spatial forms of expression: visual art, architecture and design.
My students make my acquaintance with many different living and deceased artists and perceptions of the concept of art, they learn about basic forms of visual expression such as light/dark, composition, perspective, etc., and they gain experience in working across materials, methods and spaces. I take them on excursions to museums and higher education institutions. We create wall paintings, installations, exhibitions and much more.
I really enjoy teaching, inspiring and passing on my knowledge.
Other gymnasium experience:
Københavns Åbne Gymnasium
Gribskov Gymnasium
Rungsted Gymnasium
Solrød Gymnasium
Hillerød Gymnasium
Pink Army
Pink Army is an international street art project and a non-profit organization that turns against war.
Pink Army is represented by many different cells, in different countries, as well as hundreds of freelancers spread all over the world.
Me and a few friends founded the main cell in Copenhagen in 2007. Since then, several "factions" of Pink Army have arisen in Copenhagen and Aarhus, USA, Norway, France, Italy, England and Germany, among others.
Pink Army has had its provisional heyday, but still lives on..
I have participated in a large number of solo and group exhibitions at museums, galleries and cultural centers.
For example at KØS - Museum for Art in the Public Space.
Review about the exhibition in Politiken here (in Danish).
Books and articles
I have written several books and articles about my art projects, about graffiti and about my teaching/workshop practice. I have also created a pop-up book, as well as contributed to various cultural book publications and an urban art-renewal strategy.
Here is a selection
You can borrow more of my publications on the Danish library:
"Oprørsgraffiti - graffitibudskaber og identiteter i Ungdomshusmiljøet".
Bookrelease (Danish).
"Performative Aktører i Samskabende Billedkunst". Article in Billedpædagogisk tidsskrift (Danish).
Artikel i Billedpædagogisk tidsskrift (Danish).
"Art City. Kunststrategi for kunst i det offentligt rum".
Udarbejdet for Albertslund Kommune (Danish).
Pop-up bog. Udarbejdet for Områdefornyelsen i Fuglekvarteret I Københavns Nordvest kvarter (Danish).
Chosen partners and clients
Albertslund kommune - Al-Hilal Privatskole - Albertslund Billedskole - Albertslund Ungecenter - Vestegnens Kulturuge - Allerslev skole - Børnekulturpiloterne - Bordings Friskole - Bryggens Spisehus - Børnehuset Lyngbakken - Børnehuset Sydstjernen - Børnehuset Stenmosen - Børnehuset Storken - Café Kløvermarken - Café Sisko - Charlottenborg - Copenhagen Kids Center for Kultur og Udvikling (CKU) - Center Sandholm - Creas - Creative Enterprise - DR - DSB - DUI - European School Copenhagen - Freinet skolen - Fredsministerium.dk - Forbrændingen - Folkemødet Bornholm - Gribskov Gymnasium - Galleri Rumkammerat - Galleri Stald - Kulturhuset Islands Brygge - Kulturhuset Bispebjerg Nordvest - Kildevældsskolen - KPH Projekthus - KØS / Museum for Kunst i det Offentlige Rum - Kultur og Fritidsforvaltningen - Kulturministeriet Louisiana Museum - Metroselskabet - Nansensgade Børnehus - NOAH/Friends of Earth - Nimbus Film - Områdefornyelsen Fuglekvarteret - Områdefornyelsen Skt. Kjelds Kvarter - Rethink Århus 2017 - Roskilde University - Røde Kors - Solrød Gymnasium - Svanevej Privatskole - Stengade Børnehave - Tuborg Fondet - Vesterbro Kulturhus - Østerbro Lokaludvalg - Østerbro Lokalhistoriske Arkiv og mange andre..
Copyright © All rights reserved
Rasmus Lind Greiner